Donate To Project Blue
Donate to Project Blue to help us provide all youth programs we support with the robust infrastructure to provide support in each of our five pillars: Academics, Life Skills, Health & Wellness, Service, and Support & Safety. Or click the drop down menu to donate specifically to the success of an individual program Project Blue supports.

If you’re a cop
Do you have your own after-school outreach program in mind? Would you like to join one of our existing programs? We would love to meet you! Contact us to get involved!

If you’re a kid
Click on the links to learn more about our after-school programs. You’ll always be welcome to come and play with us. We hope to see you soon!

If you’re a parent
You are the most important person in your child’s life, which is why we want to get to know you, too. Please contact us with any questions you have.

If you’re a leader, mentor, coach or volunteer
Our leaders, mentors, coaches, and volunteers are part of a community dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing childhood. Contact us to join our community.
Meet Stanford Spurlock

Stanford is a marriage and family therapist trainee working towards his master’s degree in clinical psychology and a mentor with Project Blue.
“Mentoring with Project Blue has served as a pleasant reminder of just how inspiring and impactful the younger generations can be,” said Stanford. “Though many of our members range from early-to-late adolescence, I often find myself an ‘old head,’ learning from them. The future is in good hands.”